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Top ten takeaways from UK shale gas summit

Last week I attended SMi’s timely Shale Gas Environmental Summit in London.  Timely because the UK government is now sending clear messages that there is too much hot air spouted about shale gas and believes it will not be a game-changer as in the United States. Here are my top ten ‘takeaways’ from the summit, … Continue reading »

  • @ Good article about how capacity market might work. Risk of overburdening consumers with cap payments…
  • @ Early CCGTs would prob run baseload but business case weakens with each new plant. Can't all run baseload with wind/nukes.
  • Capacity payments and demand-side response payments not subject to Levy Control Framework. DECC would prefer to pay for latter to cut costs
  • DECC's Jonathan Brearley: 37 GW of new gas unlikely to be compatible with 100g CO2/KWh. Higher level of carbon in target would be needed
  • DECC's Jonathan Brearley: 26 GW of new unabated gas by 2030 compatible with decarb target of 100g of CO2/KWh